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Recognition of the risk to the economy from the loss of biodiversity is growing quickly. The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is responding to this through a global, market-led initiative that is developing a risk management and disclosure framework that companies can use to improve their relationship with nature. In doing so, this framework will help shift global financial flows towards options that are good for both people and the planet.
We were announced as one of the 18 knowledge partners for TNFD in 2022. In this role, we advised the Taskforce on how companies can best understand and prioritize locations to evaluate their impacts and dependencies on nature. Our in-depth studies revealed the extent to which major global businesses and financial institutions are ready for nature-related financial disclosure. We further guided TNFD on the availability and suitability of nature-related data to help prioritize disclosure efforts.
TNFD’s risk management and disclosure framework is set to drive a step change in the ways financial institutions and companies engage with nature. UNEP-WCMC‘s role as a knowledge partner has been critical in supporting the development of a framework that is market-led, underpinned by science and that can be practically applied by companies to shift global capital towards nature-positive outcomes."
Emily McKenzie
Technical Director